Rock the system, vote Libertarian!
Roberto Leibman for State Senate.
Our governments are bigger, more expensive and more intrusive than ever. We need to bring back the essence of this country: the promise of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, and not just empty patriotic symbols of these.
We need a serious reduction in the number/amount/complexity of taxes we have to pay and laws we have to follow. The government needs to stay out of the economy and of our private lives as much as possible.
I will work to stop drug-prohibition: it didn't work for alcohol, and it is certainly not working for drugs.
I will strive to limit the role of government in our children's education; I will push for the privatization of government-run schools.
I want to bring back a code of personal responsibility and ones right to self-defense.
My biggest asset is my deep-seated conviction that we can make this state, this country and this world into a better place, and that you are capable of making the right decisions in your life, and should be free from government interference unless you encroach on other people's rights.
I strongly believe that, in all things, smaller government is better and that in most issues, private industry is more efficient, cheaper and less intrusive.
I don't believe that government is the answer to everything.
If you want to help, please contact us: we can make this state, this country and this world an amazing place in which to live.
Roberto Leibman
email: statesenate@leibman.net
web: http://www.leibman.net/statesenate2004