Boy, the economy of this state is in trouble! Anyone who says there's a quick silver bullet fix for the mess we got ourselves in is lying to you. We've been doing everything possible to make it worse for years:
- Our state Government growth in size and spending has outpaced any other growth you could name: population, business growth, etc.
- With onerous regulations and taxes we are making everything we can to make sure business run away from this state
- Even for those things that our state government has chosen to do, we are doing it inefficiently
- Even with the current economic trouble, our government this year got BIGGER and more expensive. We should be outraged at this!
We can't fix things overnight, but we can take steps to reduce the problems and eventually fix them. If elected, I will propose the following:
- Control government so that this can never happen again: tie government growth to population growth, balanced budget ammendmnent.
- Conserve, Follow a sensible fiscally responsible economic policy.
- Reduce and eliminate the size and intrussion of government into our lives and businesses. Make the government we currently have more efficient.
- Encourage businesses to come and stay in this state.
- Privatize everything we can, the private sector and the market always make things better with less cost
If you want to see examples of the sort of things that we can do to bring this beast back into control, take a look at the Citizen's budget, "A 10-Point Plan to Balance the Budget without Raising Fees".
Vote for me, if elected, I will propose these changes in the legistlature. I will vote against every new law that expands the size and cost of our government.
Roberto Leibman